The 5th INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION recognises the profound interconnectedness of the human family and the inseparability of water as the fundamental essence of life.
It establishes resonance as the standard, fostering intelligent behaviour and thriving innovation. Through this, the creation of industries and systems in real harmony with nature, promoting global peace and complete life flourishing.
SDGs ? Time to challenge human perception, the only animals destroying nature.
Fragmented planet and water substance, where?
Solutions for the UN SDGs
Sustainable Development Goals
By realistic perception of the unified field and resonance, industry development can increase life force, creating blooming.
Normalising; proportional frequencies as standard, nature auric proportions, vibrational codes that makes energy increase, awareness based in global perception, and the possibility of close loop design.
Sharing ideas open source, as they all come from the source, to support life thriving.
By realistic perception of water unified and the immediate purification, all life on Earth will be restored.
Normalising the unification of water states; liquid, ether, steam, ice and gel, which are the same substance, with all life forms immersed on it. Promoting the eradication of hallucinatory constructs that allows toxicity and harmful behaviour.
The solution is to implement resonance devices to restore purity and the fractal structure of water.
By realistic perception of human family stepping the same planet, we will identify the constructs that allows the illusion of separation of what is unified.
Normalising the fact that we are all animals living inside water, we will create plans for global happiness as the only succeed.
Creating references for humanity to perceive that we all deserve support, love, and kindness to thrive. Nature blooms by resonance and sensitive awareness.
World Peace can be normalised
By revealing the perceptual error of separation in the human process of thinking, we will eradicate the unconscious constructs developing conflict, corruption, greed, trafficking, competition, abuse, injustice, slavery, toxicity, … or any damage to alive forms.
To implement World Peace, we need to perceive and act with facts.
Checking facts:
Humanity share the planet, immersed in water substance.
We are interconnected by a unified field of frequencies.
Life grows by resonance and cooperation.
Realistic perception of unification and proportional frequencies as standard will upgrade humanity to evolve in order with nature.